Friday, March 1, 2013

Eureka!!!! Scored a Hangar!!

Finally....after waiting for about 4 1/2 years I  scored a hangar at Creswell airport!

To me this means so many great things.  First of all, I will have a place for all my flying aircraft and projects.  One of the biggest roadblocks to making progress on my various flying machines has been not having a comfortable, enclosed space to work.  The new hangar is a completely enclosed T-hangar with plenty of well lit and dry working space.

Secondly, I will be able to keep my trike setup and ready to go during the flying season.   The convenience of being able to motor straight to the runway is more than I can really comprehend right now.

Moving in tomorrow!  I think I am going to pass out.....


kindastyley said...

Congratulations Jeff on scoring the hanger--it looks really nice and clean--love your blogs too! Sharon

Jetflap said...

Thanks Sharon! New photos of the T-Hangar coming shortly.