Tuesday, March 19, 2013

*Mitchell Wing T-10 Kit For Sale* SOLD

Scroll down for details.

Monday, March 18, 2013

To Idaho and Back...Again!

My mission to pick up the new bird started on Friday.  I had not really planned on making this trip so soon, but an enclosed trailer popped up for rent on Craigslist.  I called the owner Donnie and made an appointment to look at it.  The trailer was great, the only problem was that it would not be available the next couple of weekends.  It was however available this weekend.  After calling my Dad to see if I could borrow him and his truck to drag the trailer, I made a quick decision to rent it and make an immediate run to Idaho.

My Dad came down to my house Friday night and we made a plan to get an early start Saturday.  We awoke at the crack of dawn, actually 3-4 hours before the crack of dawn, at 3 am.  After a quick shower we drove to Donnie's house in Eugene to pick up the trailer.  By 4:30 am we were officially on the road.  We basically drove straight through only making short stops for fuel.  Eight hours later,  or about 1:15 pm Idaho time, we arrived at Caldwell Airport, Idaho.  The seller Kim let us in through the locked gate and we arrived at the hangar.

After a quick inspection we started to load the plane.  The wings were already off, the only question was the tail going to have to come off?  The width of the horizontal stabilizer was 7' 6", and the width of the trailer was......7' 6".  Yikes!  Was this going to work or not?  After several different attempts at getting the tail to pass the opening, we realized that we were going to have to break it down.  After assessing the situation, we started the task of removing the necessary bolts, actuating cables, strobe wires etc.  We ended up not only taking the tail off, but removing the vertical stabilizer as well.  With that done all that was left was to load the wings and fuselage and nail it all down.

By 5 pm we were back on the road.  We had initially planned on staying the night in the Caldwell area, but since there was plenty of daylight left we decided to head back towards Oregon.  We drove about 3 hours west until we reached Burns.  We found an inexpensive motel, parked the trailer and had a meal at the nearby Apple Peddler Restaurant.  By about 9:30 we were in the rack and sawing logs.

I had set the alarm for 6 am as I did not want to end up oversleeping.  Guess what?  Promptly at 3 am I awoke completely rested and ready to go.  I guessed that this was going to be my new waking time for a few days.  By 3:30 am we were back on the road again heading home.  After a couple of hours of driving we arrived in Bend, had breakfast at the local McDonald's and moved on.

After leaving Bend we noticed something different with the road.  So far, with the exception of some cold wind, the weather had been completely clear on our trip.  Now we realized that there was now snow on the road.  Not only snow, but a significant amount of snow.  As we headed up hill it only got worse, with heavier and heavier conditions.  After putting the truck into 4 wheel drive we continued on.  Going uphill was a matter of just trying to keep forward momentum.  Downhill was another matter.  We had to be extremely careful as we were dragging a 20' trailer, and the slightest mistake could see our little plane flying past our truck down the road.

Fortunately, we survived the blizzard and after getting out of the pass the sun broke, making the rest of the trip a cool breeze.  We arrived at Creswell airport about 10 am, unloaded the plane, returned the trailer and arrived home about 1 pm.  Must be some sort of record set here.

"I will never, ever, ever make another trip to retrieve an airplane!" (until the next one)

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Last Crusade!

"This will be the last one."  I say that every time that I drive miles and miles to bring an aircraft back home from some far off location.  Furthermore, after every trip I swear to myself, "I will never, ever, ever do that again".  I have taken too many trips, driven too far, spent too much money and time, endured all the slings of outrageous fortune, etc., etc.

But guess what?  Here I go again.  Looks like I am making another trip.  I purchased a very nice Minimax 1550 V-Max from Kim in Idaho.  It is a great little plane with a 1747 cc flat four, 4 cycle air cooled VW engine, with tons of nice options.

The aircraft is N-numbered, but has not been inspected for several years, so it cannot be flown back.  I have tried to get a regular aircraft transport company to bring it over, but they are all booked up getting ready for Fun & Sun.

Oh well....surely, "this will be the last one."

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Mitchell Wing T-10D Kit for Sale!

I have a Mitchell Wing T-10D 2 place kit for sale.  I purchased this kit directly from Ameriplanes in Truo, Iowa back in 2004 when they were still in business.  In one exhausting week I made the trek from Medford, Oregon to Iowa and back.....yikes!

The kit is exactly as I received it from Ameriplanes.  It includes the main wing section, the two outboard wing sections, stabilators, wing tips, chassis parts, pod forward and exterior, Rotax 503 motor mount, etc, etc.  All wing sections are still covered in the factory plastic, just as I received them.  All that needs to be added is engine, prop and instruments.

This two place kit can be built experimental and legally flown under light sport rules.  It could also qualify and be registered as a motor glider.  It may be the only existing such kit still in existence!

Open to all reasonable and unreasonable offers!

Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow!

David from Portland showed up right on time today to pick up the A-10D, which is now officially SOLD!

I have to admit it was somewhat bitter sweet to see my little bird driving away.  I take solace in the fact that David is a very motivated and capable individual, assuring that the A-10 will be up and flying soon!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

*Aircraft Update*

There is a pending sale on the Mitchell Wing A-10.  David from Portland came down today to inspect the aircraft.  He made a deposit and will pick up the aircraft within the next week.  Congratulations David on your new airplane.  I look forward to seeing it flying!

Still up for sale are the Mitchell Wing T-10 kit and the custom 340 Kawasaki trike, 17m Manta wing and trailer.  Get them quick while they are still available!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Eureka!!!! Scored a Hangar!!

Finally....after waiting for about 4 1/2 years I  scored a hangar at Creswell airport!

To me this means so many great things.  First of all, I will have a place for all my flying aircraft and projects.  One of the biggest roadblocks to making progress on my various flying machines has been not having a comfortable, enclosed space to work.  The new hangar is a completely enclosed T-hangar with plenty of well lit and dry working space.

Secondly, I will be able to keep my trike setup and ready to go during the flying season.   The convenience of being able to motor straight to the runway is more than I can really comprehend right now.

Moving in tomorrow!  I think I am going to pass out.....