Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Trike Fever!

I don't know what it is about trikes....but I always seem to want to get another one. I found a great deal on a Kemmeries Tukan trike plans built chassis and wing down in Northern California.  The chassis has a lot of great features, like double sleeved tubing, an awesome running Rotax 447, dual blade ground adjustable IVO prop, exhaust clamps, quick release 5 gallon tank and a super comfortable cushy seat.

The wing is an Apco Sabre trike wing.  It is pretty old but still in really good shape.  Apparently Mark Gibson (R.I.P) did some work on the wing to beef it up, including sleeving the keel and doubling the flying wires.

With just a little love I think I will be flying it soon!

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