Thursday, May 26, 2011

Eureka! Found a Wing!

I finally located a wing for my trike.  It is a 17m Gibbogear Manta, purpose built, strutted trike wing.  It will fly faster than the Northwing Stratus, and will also handle turbulence better.  The wing has low hours (60) and with the red and white color scheme, it should be purdy as well.  This will be my first strutted wing.  The strutted wings generally have slightly better performance characteristics (topless), at the cost of some additional weight.
I have heard a lot of good things about the I am excited to check her out.

The wing is in Utah.  I was able to make a reasonable deal on it with the owner Tony, and found a good freight rate through a company called Case Stack.  It is being picked up today, in its original 18' x 1' x 1' box, and should arrive here in Oregon early to mid next week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jetflap-- you interested in selling your Mitchell wing?
Scud runner from Utah.