Saturday, January 23, 2010

New Beginnings

This blog is going to chronicle the resurrection of a Mitchell Wing A-10 aircraft. I only say resurrection in the sense that this aircraft has been in storage for approximately 7 years, and it is going to take a bit of elbow grease to get her flying again.

The Mitchell Wing A-10 is a single place, 16 to 1 (L/d), all metal, tailless flying wing motor glider.

It was originally designed as a foot launch hang glider in the 70's and went to several versions, some factory built and some home built. A two place version was also made, the T-10 for training.

Coincidentally I have the kit for the T-10, and my father and I are attempting to build it. Our problem so far has been that the build documentation is extremely poor and we have had a lot of questions so far unanswered.

When I was able to locate a single place version in nice shape, and reasonably close by, the temptation to buy her was overwhelming as having a completed, flying model of a Mitchell Wing A-10 will be invaluable in answering a lot of questions about the T-10.

First stage, bringing the A-10 home.


Anonymous said...

Are you nuts? These things look dangerous!Why isn't this blog about paragliding? Are you coming back to Hawaii at the end of the month to fly with me? --Airborne

Jetflap said...

Howzit Airborne,

Am I nuts....probably! But sanity is greatly overrated.

Danger is in the eye of the beholder. One man's fear is another man's jelly doughnut.

Aren't there already enough blogs about paragliding? Yikes! There are other ways to fly you know!

Unfortunately I will not be able to join you on this trip.

Maybe next time!

Anonymous said...

Hi there peoples,,,I am looking for a set of plans for a two seat flying wing,,,,,can anyone help me out here???????????,,,my e-mail address is ,,,many thanks,,,,Alex,,