Friday, July 17, 2020

Sabre/Pacer GT Trike Update

The new trike has been performing flawlessly. The last extension of the mast put the base tube in the perfect position for comfortable flying. I found the perfect hang position to be 1/8" back of the stock position. It is trimmed to cruise comfortably at about 4100 rpms. So far the Rotax 503 has run without any issues and the trike climbs at over 1000' per minute on full throttle.

Up to now I have been doing a lot of test flying and have been staying within glide distance of the airport. It is about time to do my first cross country in this trike, most likely a short hop from Creswell to Cottage Grove airport and back.

Once again the hangar is getting full. I currently have 3 trikes, a N3 Pup project and a paramotor stuffed in there. Something has got to go...but not the new trike, it is here to stay!