Friday, March 27, 2020

The Covid-19 Trike Build

I will always remember this trike as the one that I was building during the Covid-19 novel virus outbreak.  What a crazy unprecedented time this is, filled with unpredictability, panic and anxiety.  Hopefully, this will soon pass and we will all move on!  In any case, what better way to reduce the current stress than to work on a new airplane?

So the new Northwing Pacer GT has been setup and mounted on the Sabre trike chassis.  The wing is beautiful, 80% double surfaced and streamlined for performance.  It is going to be great to fly.  However, the mast of the Sabre was too short for the new wing so I had to fabricate a 12" mast extension out of 2 1/4" x 2 1/4" telescoping steel which fit snuggly over the 2" x 2" aluminum mast.

After mounting the wing I turned to the engine mount.  It was necessary to fabricate new mounting bars which I made out of 3/8" x 2", 6061 aluminum that I cut, drilled and painted.  It turned out great and the Rotax 503 is now comfortably sitting on the Sabre trike chassis.
To mount the engine I found it necessary to remove the fuel tank.  I took the opportunity to clean the tank inside and out and it is back on again.

Next, I will be moving on to mounting the fuel pump, carbs and running the fuel lines. Need to keep moving forward!