Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Picking Up The Pace!

Or should I say "Pacer"?  I am building a new Rotax 503 based trike.  It all started when I found a really pristine DCDI 503 down in Medford at a great price. The 503 has historically been my favorite engine for trikes, powerful and reliable. After finding the engine I started looking for a chassis and quickly came up with an engine less Sabre in good condition up near Albany.

The only thing missing was a wing. I wanted a topless wing for sliding into the hangar and also wanted something fast for XC as well. I wasn't able to come up with anything decent on the used market so I ended up buying a brand new Pacer GT from Kamron at Northwing. After a long drive up and back to Chelan, the beautiful wing is now safely back in my hangar. Photos will be posted soon.

Let the magic begin!