Sunday, March 18, 2018

R.T. Stole Over $5000 From Me!

R.T. is well known as a pioneer in the Oregon flying scene.  He is considered an exceptional pilot, famous or infamous depending on who you talk to.  I was a loyal friend of his for over 30 years. No more, and here is why.

About 4 years ago R.T. had just fired D.L., his only employee in his electrical contracting business.  R.T. needed someone quickly to replace him and called me. 

Within 2 days of his call I started working for him in Portland.  To work in Portland I had to rent a room on a monthly basis and make the commute up and down from Eugene twice a week.  The overall expense of this was around $800 per month.  This seemed fine as R.T. was going to pay me well for the work I did for him.

I worked for R.T. for about a year.  I always showed up on time, worked hard and never missed a day.  Unfortunately, R.T. is a rageaholic in all aspects of his life.  Whether driving, working or for that matter doing anything, he is constantly fuming, swearing and abusing everyone around him.  On a daily basis he called me names, made fun of my appearance, swore at me, hid my personal possessions, took money from me and emotionally abused me in every manner that you could conceive.

I told R.T. on multiple occasions that I would not continue to work for him if he was not willing or able to change his behavior.  After a while D.L. was hired back again, and just like me he was subjected to the same type of daily torment.

Long story short, there finally came the day that I was no longer willing to be treated in this manner and I quit.  At the time of my separation R.T. owed me back wages totaling well over $5000.  Over the past 3 years I have attempted to collect the money owed to me in every possible and amicable manner.  He has told me over and over that he is going to pay me the money, but has yet to pay me a dime.  Part of the money that he owes me is for medical bills.  I was almost electrocuted working for him on one of his jobs and suffered permanent nerve and tissue damage to my hand.  R.T.'s electrical contracting business was basically illegal, no contractors license and no electrical license.  At the time of my accident he implored me not to inform the Urgent Care Facility that this was a job related accident, and swore that he would pay my medical deductible.  Of course he never did.

For the last six months I have tried to reach R.T. through every possible avenue.  I have called him, texted him, and e-mailed him....without any response whatsoever.  I have good information that he sold his house in Portland and has moved to Palm Desert to live happily ever after with his accomplice L.G.  The last time I spoke to him in October of 2017 he told me that he would come down to Eugene and pay me the money he owed me.  Of course, just another lie in a long list of lies.

This is not the first time that R.T. has stolen money from me.  In multiple endeavors over the years he has not paid money owed to me, and I have always forgiven him.  I have always been a loyal friend and responded to him when ever he needed my help.  Never again.

It is clear that R.T. and L.G. have no intention of ever paying back the money which they have stolen from my wife and I.  Not only did I not get paid for probably 3 months of work, but I had the privilege of paying out $2400 of my own money to work for free. As far as I am concerned our 30 year friendship is over and never again will I have anything to do with him.

In the end, this is a cautionary tale.  Beware of doing business with or having anything to do with this person. If you have been wronged by him in a similar manner I would welcome your comments.

For years I thought that R.T. was one of my best friends...but in reality...he is actually the worst enemy I have ever had.  My new mission in life is to let every pilot in Oregon and Hawaii know exactly what kind of liar, thief, narcissist and coward he is.

Unfortunately, great pilots are not always good people.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

The Phantom Has Moved On!

Reluctantly, the Phantom Menace has moved on to new owners in Sandy Oregon.  Andreas (Andy) and John made the trip down to purchase the Phantom and trailer it to its new home.  Hopefully,
I will receive some updates to be posted soon!