Friday, September 12, 2014

Mitchell Wing T-10 Two Place Motor Glider Kit for Sale! SOLD!

The T-10 motor glider kit is still for sale at the reduced price of $7500!  Kit is as new and complete, less engine, prop and instruments.  The aluminum over foam factory built wing sections are still covered with the original protective plastic.

This kit may be the only one in existence, allowing you to build a legal Mitchell Wing T-10 two place motor glider in either the "Experimental Amateur Built" category or "Motor Glider" category.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Flying Again!

After a ton of work the Sky Cycle/Manta trike combo is finally flying.  I finished up the carb jetting, pitched the prop to pull 6100 rpms at WOT, and adjusted the hang position to cruise at 45 mph.

I have to say that she came out really great; looks great, and flies great.  The weather has been a little iffy, but I have been stealing some short flights here and there and look forward to the return of high pressure.

I have a few more things to tweak here and there, but overall this airplane is pretty much done.

What's next?

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Birth of the Sky Cycle!

Since my last post I have made great strides of progress on the Sky Cycle.  I mounted the engine, ran the fuel lines, hooked up the electrical and mounted the instruments.

I decided that the 64" Warp Drive prop was too large, even on a 2 blade hub, so I cut it down to 60" and am running it as a 3 blade.  It is smooth and powerful!

When I first ran up the new 440 engine it ran fine, but was pretty boggy in all rpm ranges.  The carb was obviously set up too rich, so I put in a bigger jet needle and took the main jet down a couple of steps.  I am most likely also going to lean out the pilot jet as well.

I am really happy how well everything has come out and I think that this trike is going to be a perfect fit for the 17m Manta. 

All that is currently left is to take the wing off of the old 340 Kawasaki trike and mount it on the Sky Cycle for its maiden flight!